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April 19, 2012

Your tax dollars at work (with hilarious results)


From Wired's 'Danger Room' blog:

"YouTube is full up with jet-porn vids of F-35s flying at night, blasting off from a simulated carrier deck or pleasing its pilots, all set to a bombastic modern-rock soundtrack. The idea, apparently, is that when you hear a generic version of the Killers, you'll forget all about sticker shock and engineering mishaps and soar into the air, borne on the back of a fifth-generation fighter jet and propelled by a whammy bar."

That's right, ladies and gentlemen, to put your fears to rest about the F-35's exorbitant price tag and enormous technological hurdles, Lockheed Martin has assembled a series of laughably horrible viral videos. Kudos to whoever put together that cheesy music video, it's magical.

On Ted Nugent.

Recently, professional has-been Ted Nugent (y'know, the guy who wrote songs in the 70's about getting pussy to cope with the fact that the only pussy he was capable of getting in the 70's was the kind that today would land you in prison for serial pedophilia) has been making headlines for his remark at an NRA rally promising to either 'be dead or in jail' if Barack Obama were re-elected as President of the United States (the clear implication being that he would attempt some kind of violent coup; you can't really read that any other way). This gaffe has landed him in hot water with everyone from the Secret Service (investigating his remarks) to his homeboy Mitt Romney (whose campaign has denounced the aging rocker) and even his beloved National Rifle Association.

I have a question, regarding the brouhaha surrounding this.

...why are we giving this man attention?

Because that's what he wants. That's exactly why he made the remark- do you actually think this draft dodging, three-chord-playing, lolita-screwing elderly walking delusion of grandeur  has the balls to even attempt to think about possibly putting down assassination plans on paper? C'mon now. He wouldn't even contemplate actually going through with anything that could actually get him in trouble. That leaves a single reason (apart from the fact that he is utterly batshit) as to why he said this: he wants to be back in the spotlight again. He misses that brief but happy time when anyone not dating their sister gave a fuck about him. Why are we giving him this? 

He wants to be considered some big, badass rebel. He wants to be that rock star he's always wished he was capable of being, the kind of sloppy, oversexed musical god giving a middle finger to the establishment. He's not that, he's never been that...but we're giving him a shadow of the sort of attention he craves, and even that little bit is going to ensure that he'll stick around for a while, making the occasional dumbass remark about shooting this or that Democrat for the sole purpose of whipping the media into a frenzy and winning that fleeting moment in the spotlight he so desperately needs to stay even remotely relevant.

So, I ask again...why are we giving this man attention?