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September 29, 2011

Intolerant Bigotry and crazy Pseudo-Religious nuttiness roundup

San Diego, California devout Catholic and local businessman John Sanfilippo died last week from complications due to emphysema. Sanfilippo, who left a large sum in his will to his church, had made arrangements for his funeral to be held at Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Church in Little Italy, where he had attended for decades.

This weekend Sanfilippo’s partner of 28 years and his family were informed by the church that they had cancelled his funeral service because he was gay. No uncertain terms or minced words here – Just straight up because he was gay.

This is only the second incident ever of a Catholic church refusing to hold a previously planned funeral for a homosexual parishioner in our country. The first, the funeral of John McCusker in 2005, also occurred in the Roman Catholic Diocese of San Diego.

OK, so not even DEAD gay people are welcome??? Thats a bit much isnt it? Wait, look who im taking about...

Christopher Jarvis is headed to jail for a long, long time after being arrested for possessing over 4,000 images of children being sexually abused on his home computer and work laptop.

The laptop in question was provided to him to aid in his duties as a Catholic Church Child Protection Chief. Yes, the guy in charge of keeping kids safe from sexual abuse in the Catholic Church is going to jail for making, ­possessing and distributing child pornography.

Here is where we were going to post a video of Jon Hagee spouting something nutty about Harry Potter & Lesbians asprin-raping Christmas, whatever that means... but you will be spared from that bullshit by this Copyright take down notice, which seems to be the ultimate tool for censorship these days. If you dont like someone commenting on your public statements you can always send out frivolous take down notices and vioulate other peoples free speech rights willy-nilly...

"No disrespect to our Native American friends, but this is where you hang a bloody scalp over the gallery rail. You hang these four Republican scalps over the Senate rail and every other Republican senator looks up and sees those scalps and says, ‘my gosh, I’ll be hanging up there beside them if I don’t stay with this pro-family stuff.’ And that’s exactly what has to happen.

See? The Bible is so good about helping us know how to vote."

-Pastor David Barton

Notice he doesnt want to offend Native Americans while he is reminding everyone of Native American genocide, and while intentionally trying to offend every sane person on Earth...

And so we will leave you with this message...

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