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September 30, 2011


So what we have is a devestated populace, loosing homes to Wall Street and the Banking Industries because of the Housing Bubble. So tent cities have been poping up all over America for over a year now... So basically the current #OCCUPY Movements all across America are really just a smooth PR move on the part of the people to re-label the tent cities a 'Protest', which is pretty smart. But of course the Mayors and Police everywhere dont know how to defend the people from the Banks, so they attack the symptoms instead...

Strong Language. Viewer Discretion Advised

Police and maybe fire dept. employees destroy tents belonging to homeless people. They cut the tops off the tents with box cutters. The homeless and their advocates claim the police are acting under direct orders from the Mayor.

I guess destroying someones personal property, when you are a cop, isn’t illegal in Amerika…


Also check this out if your in the Florida Area...



This happened in Grand Junction, Colorado, though the cops in question were fired for thier actions...

The police were searching for a man they wanted to question about the theft of some copper wiring. They were dispatched to "The Point," a bushy sliver of land between the Gunnison and Colorado Rivers. The three men say they shouted and got no answer, so they entered the camp with guns drawn. Then they took turns covering each other while they looked in the tents. They also "disabled" two bikes by slashing the tires so the "suspect did not flee."

In their own defense, the officers say they've cleared homeless camps the same way in the past with the support of the department, something the chief denies. It appears that in the past, residents were given notice that the camp would be dismantled.

In the letter of termination for the officers, Chief Camper writes, "Frankly, I'm at a loss ... as to how the three of you could even try to justify entry into a tent using the zippered door, let alone cutting a window through the side or the top without the benefit of a search warrant, arrest warrant or the owner's consent, which would have allowed you to do it legally."

In other words: use common sense and respect the homes of others, even if they're made of nylon.


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