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September 25, 2011

Culture of Hate

This blog, PoliticusUSA never pulls the punches they are always willing to call it as they see it.

If America is turning into a country full of hateful Republican sycophants who applaud executions as if they are in 17th Century England cheering a beheading, then it will not be long until public stonings and lynchings are the norm. The hateful bigots who booed the gay soldier will always express hate because their religious views prevent them from showing gratitude and compassion for a soldier risking his life for his country. They are a lost cause and will never change, but those Republican presidential hopefuls could have put a stop to it but they did not; they could not because that audience is an extension of the contemptible Republicans who hate women as much as gays.

America is in the throes of social change and instead of progressing to a place of acceptance, equality, and a sense of “we’re all in this together,” the country is lurching toward a theocratic plutocracy where the wealthy and religious fundamentalists celebrate death of the poor, seniors, and middle-class and celebrate intolerance and greed. America is changing for the worse and it is time for decent, compassionate Americans to stand up and speak out against hate and greed, because their silence is being misconstrued as quiet acquiescence and it is empowering the vile Republicans and their hateful supporters. It is time to decide just what kind of America the people are willing to settle for; a compassionate nation that cares for all its citizens, or a Taliban-like country courtesy of Republicans and their neo-conservative sycophants.


Obama calls Rick Perry out

I love how he seems to be doing the "His brain is this big" thing with his fingers!

President Barack Obama swiped at Texas Gov. Rick Perry, criticizing him as "a governor whose state is on fire, denying climate change."

Obama also poked at the audience reactions at recent GOP presidential debates, singling out those who cheered at the prospect of someone dying because he didn't have health insurance – and those who booed a gay service member.

The president said "that's not reflective of who we are."


My Neighbor...


The Wall Street Occupation is well underway form more than a week now, and shows no signs of slowing down as a movement that is spreading nation wide.

According to Occupy Together protests are taking place in all of the following cities.


* Occupy Chicago
* Occupy Cleveland
* Occupy Columbus
* Occupy Indiana
* Occupy Indianapolis
* Occupy Madison
* Occupy Memorial (Kansas City)
* Occupy Michigan
* Occupy Minnesota
* Occupy OKC
* Occupy Omaha
* Occupy St. Louis
* Occupy Stillwater
* Occupy Tulsa
* Occupy Yougstown


* Occupy Binghamton
* Occupy Boston
* Occupy D.C.
* Occupy New Jersey
* Occupy Philadelphia
* Occupy Vermont


* Occupy Atlanta
* Occupy Lexington
* Occupy Mississippi
* Occupy Nashville
* Occupy New Orleans
* Occupy Orlando
* Occupy Tampa


* Occupy Dallas
* Occupy Houston
* Occupy Phoenix


* Occupy Denver
* Occupy Las Vegas
* Occupy Los Angeles
* Occupy Olympia
* Occupy Portland
* Occupy Sacramento
* Occupy San Diego
* Occupy San Francisco Financial District
* Occupy San Jose
* Occupy Seattle

Now thats a movement!


Classy Girl Photo of the Day

Source: http://girlswithglasses.tumblr.com/

Really cool street sticker from Artist CMYK

One damn cool sticker! Mad props to 'CMYK'.

LINK: http://endlesscanvas.com/?p=6201

HTTPS Everywhere from the EFF

Secure your Intenet!

HTTPS Everywhere is a Firefox extension produced as a collaboration between The Tor Project and the Electronic Frontier Foundation. It encrypts your communications with a number of major websites.

Many sites on the web offer some limited support for encryption over HTTPS, but make it difficult to use. For instance, they may default to unencrypted HTTP, or fill encrypted pages with links that go back to the unencrypted site.

The HTTPS Everywhere extension fixes these problems by rewriting all requests to these sites to HTTPS. Firefox users can get it by clicking here:


Cool Photo of the Day


The movement is spreading fast..


The Streets Belong to the Poeple, Can you dig it?

Occupy Wall Street (photo © Jaime Rojo)
"In many people’s minds the class warfare has been in full effect for a while and these folks are now wondering about those basic tenets of free speech and right to assemble that Americans of previous generations fought to maintain, guaranteed by the constitution. As corporations continue to gain rights and citizens continue to cede them, these demonstrators say they feel like they have nothing to lose, except their entire country."
Photos from the streets of NYC. A great little gallery and article at the link below.

Link: www.brooklynstreetart.com/theblog