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September 29, 2011

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Occupy Wall Street: NYPD/DA to investigate Bologna, now Security Guard

The investigations were announced after bloggers and activists drew attention to video posted online which showed that Bologna fired pepper spray on two occasions last Saturday as officers broke up a protest march through Greenwich Village.

The first footage shows him targeting a group of female protesters who were being penned in by officers on East 12th Street. The latest video shows another incident on the same street, shortly after the first, when he fired more pepper spray towards at least one of the same women, after they were recovering from the first incident.

On both occasions, the officer appears to have violated New York Police Department guidance on how the gas should be used.

In response to the Guardian's appeal to readers to help us reconstruct Saturday's events on East 12th Street, one protester wrote to say that she was sprayed with gas by the officer both times.
Officer Bologna has reportedly received death threats after his personal information was published by hacktivist group Anonymous. In response, the force has assigned Bologna a security detail.



PARK(ing) Project: Retaking the Streets for the People

Valuable urban real estate, reprogrammed.

One of the more critical issues facing outdoor urban human habitat is the dearth of space for humans to rest, relax, or just do nothing. For example, more than 70% of San Francisco’s downtown outdoor space is dedicated to the private vehicle, while only a fraction of that space is allocated to the public realm.

Paying the meter of a parking space enables one to rent precious downtown real estate. What is the range of possible occupancy activities for this short-term lease? PARK(ing) is an investigation into reprogramming a typical unit of private vehicular space by leasing a metered parking spot for public recreational activity.

CLICK HERE: http://rebargroup.org/parking/

Social Activist Games


Intolerant Bigotry and crazy Pseudo-Religious nuttiness roundup

San Diego, California devout Catholic and local businessman John Sanfilippo died last week from complications due to emphysema. Sanfilippo, who left a large sum in his will to his church, had made arrangements for his funeral to be held at Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Church in Little Italy, where he had attended for decades.

This weekend Sanfilippo’s partner of 28 years and his family were informed by the church that they had cancelled his funeral service because he was gay. No uncertain terms or minced words here – Just straight up because he was gay.

This is only the second incident ever of a Catholic church refusing to hold a previously planned funeral for a homosexual parishioner in our country. The first, the funeral of John McCusker in 2005, also occurred in the Roman Catholic Diocese of San Diego.

OK, so not even DEAD gay people are welcome??? Thats a bit much isnt it? Wait, look who im taking about...

Christopher Jarvis is headed to jail for a long, long time after being arrested for possessing over 4,000 images of children being sexually abused on his home computer and work laptop.

The laptop in question was provided to him to aid in his duties as a Catholic Church Child Protection Chief. Yes, the guy in charge of keeping kids safe from sexual abuse in the Catholic Church is going to jail for making, ­possessing and distributing child pornography.

Here is where we were going to post a video of Jon Hagee spouting something nutty about Harry Potter & Lesbians asprin-raping Christmas, whatever that means... but you will be spared from that bullshit by this Copyright take down notice, which seems to be the ultimate tool for censorship these days. If you dont like someone commenting on your public statements you can always send out frivolous take down notices and vioulate other peoples free speech rights willy-nilly...

"No disrespect to our Native American friends, but this is where you hang a bloody scalp over the gallery rail. You hang these four Republican scalps over the Senate rail and every other Republican senator looks up and sees those scalps and says, ‘my gosh, I’ll be hanging up there beside them if I don’t stay with this pro-family stuff.’ And that’s exactly what has to happen.

See? The Bible is so good about helping us know how to vote."

-Pastor David Barton

Notice he doesnt want to offend Native Americans while he is reminding everyone of Native American genocide, and while intentionally trying to offend every sane person on Earth...

And so we will leave you with this message...

Cool? Annoying? You Decide...


Gay Suicide Teen UPDATE: 3 charged with hate crimes!

Finally some Justice!

Just days after word spread that the bullies who had harassed and threatened Jamey Rodemeyer to death chanted “We’re glad you’re dead” during a dedication to him at the Williamsville High School’s homecoming dance, Amherst police have announced that they plan to charge at least three teens with hate crimes.

At least four lives will be absolutely destroyed by this ugly incident. Jamey’s tormentors will have plenty of time behind bars to contemplate whether or not bullying their classmate to death, and throwing their own lives away, was worth it.


Classy Girl Photo: Skater Girl with tall socks

ATARI Computer Demonstration Center 198?

Pat Robertson thinks candy is filled with evil

Answering a 700 Club caller’s question, Robertson says, “Halloween is Satan’s night, it’s the night for the devil. It’s All Hallow’s Eve but it’s time when witches and goblins–”

Preach, Brother! Preach! Halloween has its roots in pagan traditions predating Christianity. Just like Easter. It’s, therefor, under the sway of dark and nougaty forces. Just like Easter.

Robertson’s Christian Broadcasting Network has warned us about the evils of Halloween before. In a now-expunged article from ‘09, writer Kimberly Daniels reported that “most of the candy sold during this season has been dedicated and prayed over by witches.”

Of course! How else do you explain those talking M&Ms? I pretended to email Mars, Incorporated about this, and I pretended they answered by sending me a shrunken head in the mail. And all this time, you thought Mars, Inc. was only evil because they use child labor in Africa.

Wait a minute…Côte d’Ivoire produces roughly 43 percent of the world’s cocoa; 95 percent of people in that Sub-Saharan Republic personally believe in witchcraft; Robertson staunchly defended their illegitimate, Christian President/Thug Laurent Gbagbo…this is all making a lot of sense, in a very convoluted Da Vinci Code sort of way.

According to Daniels, “Curses are sent through the tricks and treats of the innocent whether they get it by going door to door or by purchasing it from the local grocery store. The demons cannot tell the difference.” That’s why I make my own chocolate with my own African kids.


Anonymous: Occupy The Planet

#OCCUPY w/ M Moore S Serandon & Dr C West

Veterans For Peace attempted citizens arrest on Donald Rumsfeld

War criminal Donald Rumsfeld was greeted by 3 members of Veterans For Peace and 1 Code Pink member in Boston.

Veterans For Peace Treasurer and Board member Nate Goldshlag interviewed by Keith Olbermann about the attempted citizens arrest on Donald Rumsfeld Sept. 26, 2011. Nate also attempts to get Keith to come to Freedom Plaza October 6