Watch live streaming video from globalrevolution at livestream.com


Watch live streaming video from owslosangeles at livestream.com

September 30, 2011

You are already a Small Business owner, you were born!

The information I'm about to tell you will change your life. YOU are a Business. Seriously your SSN# is a Tax ID number. Every citizen of the United States is a Sole Proprietor. All you have to do is pick a Business name and set up a Business Bank account at any bank and your good to go!

Small Time Operator is THE single most important book you will ever need as a small business owner no matter what business you want to start. it has gone though 24 revised editions and 54 printings in 22 years!

So stop slaving for the man and take control of your life!

Here is the help you need to take control of your life and be a success on your own terms in what Library Journal has called “the best of the genre,” and “a remarkable step-by-step manual that is a delight to read.” Thoroughly revised and updated to reflect recent changes in tax law and other government regulations, the book covers acquiring permits and licenses; creating a business plan; buying a franchise; dealing with the IRS; and handling insurance, contracts, pricing, trademarks, and much more. Whether you’re looking for a full-time living or some extra sideline income, Small Time Operator is your road map to success.

Small Time Operator 2010 Edition (How to Start Your Own Business, Keep Your Books, Pay Your Taxes And Stay Out of Trouble)

BIGGER BETTER - Animation by Studio Smack

A deconstruction of the American dream.

MC Xander is such a badass!




So what we have is a devestated populace, loosing homes to Wall Street and the Banking Industries because of the Housing Bubble. So tent cities have been poping up all over America for over a year now... So basically the current #OCCUPY Movements all across America are really just a smooth PR move on the part of the people to re-label the tent cities a 'Protest', which is pretty smart. But of course the Mayors and Police everywhere dont know how to defend the people from the Banks, so they attack the symptoms instead...

Strong Language. Viewer Discretion Advised

Police and maybe fire dept. employees destroy tents belonging to homeless people. They cut the tops off the tents with box cutters. The homeless and their advocates claim the police are acting under direct orders from the Mayor.

I guess destroying someones personal property, when you are a cop, isn’t illegal in Amerika…


Also check this out if your in the Florida Area...



This happened in Grand Junction, Colorado, though the cops in question were fired for thier actions...

The police were searching for a man they wanted to question about the theft of some copper wiring. They were dispatched to "The Point," a bushy sliver of land between the Gunnison and Colorado Rivers. The three men say they shouted and got no answer, so they entered the camp with guns drawn. Then they took turns covering each other while they looked in the tents. They also "disabled" two bikes by slashing the tires so the "suspect did not flee."

In their own defense, the officers say they've cleared homeless camps the same way in the past with the support of the department, something the chief denies. It appears that in the past, residents were given notice that the camp would be dismantled.

In the letter of termination for the officers, Chief Camper writes, "Frankly, I'm at a loss ... as to how the three of you could even try to justify entry into a tent using the zippered door, let alone cutting a window through the side or the top without the benefit of a search warrant, arrest warrant or the owner's consent, which would have allowed you to do it legally."

In other words: use common sense and respect the homes of others, even if they're made of nylon.


New York Transit Workers Union (TWU) To Side With #OccupyWallStreet

According to Daily Kos, The New York Transit Workers Union(TWU) voted to support the Wall Street Protestors at their meeting last night.

A member of TWU Local 100 told a reporter that they would join the protest Friday at 4PM.

Here’s more about them from their website:

The TWU has four main divisions: Railroad; Gaming; Airline; Transit; and Utility, University and Service. The Union has 114 autonomous locals representing over 200,000 members and retirees in 22 states around the country.

Occupy Wall Street has been picking up some decent support from unions in the past few days. Yesterday we reported that the Teamsters Union declared their support for protestors, and we also found out that the United Pilots Union had members at the protest demonstrating in uniform.


Surface Area Zine: Taking Submissions

Robots Will Kill and PEEL Magazine are working on a collaborative project to produce a 36 page, full-color, half-size printed and online zine which will come with stickers. Surface Area Zine will include features on more than just street art and will have an estimated cover price of $4-5. Advertising rates and more information coming soon. Send submissions (images should be no larger than 3000×2400 pixels and no smaller than 600×900 pixels jpg format) to: submissions@surfaceareazine.com.

Send stickers to be included with copies of the zine and to possibly be featured in the zine to:
Surface Area Zine
℅ Combs
5805 Lowell Ave
Indianapolis IN 46219


Uploaded by saberonecom on Sep 21, 2011

Los Angeles municipal code defines murals as signs and the permitting process constitutes an effective ban on this art. Art in the public space is necessary for a healthy visual environment, a counter balance to gray walls and endless advertising. Los Angeles was once the 'Mural Capital of the World' and this city should claim that title again!

Murals are not signs and art is not a crime!

Tell Mayor Villagaigosa and the L.A. City Attorney's office to end the mural moratorium now.

Sign the petition on change.org and #EndMuralMoratorium


Moore on MSNBC from #OCCUPY Wall Street

I love O'Donnel is saying at the begining of the video about how younge people need to be able to seek steady empolyment so that we can continue to support our elderly going into the Social Security System. Although it does occur to me that many of those same elderly are the middle aged Conservatives that are trying to dismantle the Social Security System right now. How dumb can you get anyway???



"Fascism may be defined as a form of political behavior marked by obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation, or victim-hood and by compensatory cults of unity, energy, and purity, in which a mass-based party of committed nationalist militants, working in uneasy but effective collaboration with traditional elites, abandons democratic liberties and pursues with redemptive violence and without ethical or legal restraints goals of internal cleansing and external expansion."- Robert Paxton

September 29, 2011

No Comment

Occupy Wall Street: NYPD/DA to investigate Bologna, now Security Guard

The investigations were announced after bloggers and activists drew attention to video posted online which showed that Bologna fired pepper spray on two occasions last Saturday as officers broke up a protest march through Greenwich Village.

The first footage shows him targeting a group of female protesters who were being penned in by officers on East 12th Street. The latest video shows another incident on the same street, shortly after the first, when he fired more pepper spray towards at least one of the same women, after they were recovering from the first incident.

On both occasions, the officer appears to have violated New York Police Department guidance on how the gas should be used.

In response to the Guardian's appeal to readers to help us reconstruct Saturday's events on East 12th Street, one protester wrote to say that she was sprayed with gas by the officer both times.
Officer Bologna has reportedly received death threats after his personal information was published by hacktivist group Anonymous. In response, the force has assigned Bologna a security detail.



PARK(ing) Project: Retaking the Streets for the People

Valuable urban real estate, reprogrammed.

One of the more critical issues facing outdoor urban human habitat is the dearth of space for humans to rest, relax, or just do nothing. For example, more than 70% of San Francisco’s downtown outdoor space is dedicated to the private vehicle, while only a fraction of that space is allocated to the public realm.

Paying the meter of a parking space enables one to rent precious downtown real estate. What is the range of possible occupancy activities for this short-term lease? PARK(ing) is an investigation into reprogramming a typical unit of private vehicular space by leasing a metered parking spot for public recreational activity.

CLICK HERE: http://rebargroup.org/parking/

Social Activist Games


Intolerant Bigotry and crazy Pseudo-Religious nuttiness roundup

San Diego, California devout Catholic and local businessman John Sanfilippo died last week from complications due to emphysema. Sanfilippo, who left a large sum in his will to his church, had made arrangements for his funeral to be held at Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Church in Little Italy, where he had attended for decades.

This weekend Sanfilippo’s partner of 28 years and his family were informed by the church that they had cancelled his funeral service because he was gay. No uncertain terms or minced words here – Just straight up because he was gay.

This is only the second incident ever of a Catholic church refusing to hold a previously planned funeral for a homosexual parishioner in our country. The first, the funeral of John McCusker in 2005, also occurred in the Roman Catholic Diocese of San Diego.

OK, so not even DEAD gay people are welcome??? Thats a bit much isnt it? Wait, look who im taking about...

Christopher Jarvis is headed to jail for a long, long time after being arrested for possessing over 4,000 images of children being sexually abused on his home computer and work laptop.

The laptop in question was provided to him to aid in his duties as a Catholic Church Child Protection Chief. Yes, the guy in charge of keeping kids safe from sexual abuse in the Catholic Church is going to jail for making, ­possessing and distributing child pornography.

Here is where we were going to post a video of Jon Hagee spouting something nutty about Harry Potter & Lesbians asprin-raping Christmas, whatever that means... but you will be spared from that bullshit by this Copyright take down notice, which seems to be the ultimate tool for censorship these days. If you dont like someone commenting on your public statements you can always send out frivolous take down notices and vioulate other peoples free speech rights willy-nilly...

"No disrespect to our Native American friends, but this is where you hang a bloody scalp over the gallery rail. You hang these four Republican scalps over the Senate rail and every other Republican senator looks up and sees those scalps and says, ‘my gosh, I’ll be hanging up there beside them if I don’t stay with this pro-family stuff.’ And that’s exactly what has to happen.

See? The Bible is so good about helping us know how to vote."

-Pastor David Barton

Notice he doesnt want to offend Native Americans while he is reminding everyone of Native American genocide, and while intentionally trying to offend every sane person on Earth...

And so we will leave you with this message...

Cool? Annoying? You Decide...


Gay Suicide Teen UPDATE: 3 charged with hate crimes!

Finally some Justice!

Just days after word spread that the bullies who had harassed and threatened Jamey Rodemeyer to death chanted “We’re glad you’re dead” during a dedication to him at the Williamsville High School’s homecoming dance, Amherst police have announced that they plan to charge at least three teens with hate crimes.

At least four lives will be absolutely destroyed by this ugly incident. Jamey’s tormentors will have plenty of time behind bars to contemplate whether or not bullying their classmate to death, and throwing their own lives away, was worth it.


Classy Girl Photo: Skater Girl with tall socks

ATARI Computer Demonstration Center 198?

Pat Robertson thinks candy is filled with evil

Answering a 700 Club caller’s question, Robertson says, “Halloween is Satan’s night, it’s the night for the devil. It’s All Hallow’s Eve but it’s time when witches and goblins–”

Preach, Brother! Preach! Halloween has its roots in pagan traditions predating Christianity. Just like Easter. It’s, therefor, under the sway of dark and nougaty forces. Just like Easter.

Robertson’s Christian Broadcasting Network has warned us about the evils of Halloween before. In a now-expunged article from ‘09, writer Kimberly Daniels reported that “most of the candy sold during this season has been dedicated and prayed over by witches.”

Of course! How else do you explain those talking M&Ms? I pretended to email Mars, Incorporated about this, and I pretended they answered by sending me a shrunken head in the mail. And all this time, you thought Mars, Inc. was only evil because they use child labor in Africa.

Wait a minute…Côte d’Ivoire produces roughly 43 percent of the world’s cocoa; 95 percent of people in that Sub-Saharan Republic personally believe in witchcraft; Robertson staunchly defended their illegitimate, Christian President/Thug Laurent Gbagbo…this is all making a lot of sense, in a very convoluted Da Vinci Code sort of way.

According to Daniels, “Curses are sent through the tricks and treats of the innocent whether they get it by going door to door or by purchasing it from the local grocery store. The demons cannot tell the difference.” That’s why I make my own chocolate with my own African kids.


Anonymous: Occupy The Planet

#OCCUPY w/ M Moore S Serandon & Dr C West

Veterans For Peace attempted citizens arrest on Donald Rumsfeld

War criminal Donald Rumsfeld was greeted by 3 members of Veterans For Peace and 1 Code Pink member in Boston.

Veterans For Peace Treasurer and Board member Nate Goldshlag interviewed by Keith Olbermann about the attempted citizens arrest on Donald Rumsfeld Sept. 26, 2011. Nate also attempts to get Keith to come to Freedom Plaza October 6

September 28, 2011

Wall Street sips champagne while protesters get maced

Wall Street has shown Americans how they feel about protests. This video shows unidentified occupants watching protests from the balconies of Wall Street in amusement while sipping champagne.

The Teabagger Pledge

I, ________________________, do solemnly swear to uphold the principles of a socialism-free society and heretofore pledge my word that I shall strictly adhere to the following:

I will complain about the destruction of 1st Amendment Rights in this country, while I am duly being allowed to exercise my 1st Amendment Rights.

I will complain about the destruction of my 2nd Amendment Rights in this country, while I am duly being allowed to exercise my 2nd Amendment rights by legally but brazenly brandishing unconcealed firearms in public.

I will foreswear the time-honored principles of fairness, decency, and respect by screaming unintelligible platitudes regarding tyranny, Nazi-ism, and socialism at public town halls.

Also, I pledge to eliminate all government intervention in my life. I will abstain from the use of and participation in any socialist goods and services including but not limited to the following:

• Social Security
• Medicare/Medicaid
• State Children's Health Insurance Programs (SCHIP)
• Police, Fire, and Emergency Services
• US Postal Service
• Roads and Highways
• Air Travel (regulated by the socialist FAA)
• The US Railway System
• Public Subways and Metro Systems
• Public Bus and Light Rail Systems
• Rest Areas on Highways
• Sidewalks
• All Government-Funded Local/State Projects (e.g., see Iowa 2009 federal senate appropriations)
• Public Water and Sewer Services (goodbye socialist toilet, shower, dishwasher, kitchen sink, garden sprinkler)
• Public and State Universities and Colleges
• Public Primary and Secondary Schools
• Sesame Street
• Publicly Funded Anti-Drug Use Education for Children
• Public Museums
• Libraries
• Public Parks and Beaches
• State and National Parks
• Public Zoos
• Unemployment Insurance
• Municipal Garbage and Recycling Services
• Treatment at Any Hospital or Clinic That Ever Received Funding From Local, State or Federal Government (pretty much all of them)
• Medical Services and Medications That Were Created or Derived From Any Government Grant or Research Funding (again, pretty much all of them)
• Socialist Byproducts of Government Investment Such as Duct Tape and Velcro (Nazi-NASA Inventions)
• Use of the Internet, email, and networked computers, as the DoD's ARPANET was the basis for subsequent computer networking
• Foodstuffs, Meats, Produce and Crops That Were Grown With, Fed With, Raised With or That Contain Inputs From Crops Grown With Government Subsidies
• Clothing Made from Crops (e.g. cotton) That Were Grown With or That Contain Inputs From Government Subsidies
• If a veteran of the government-run socialist US military, I will forego my VA benefits and insist on paying for my own medical care
• I will not tour socialist government buildings like the Capitol in Washington, D.C.
• I pledge to never take myself, my family, or my children on a tour of the following types of socialist locations, including but not limited to:

* Smithsonian Museums, eg. the Air and Space Museum or Museum of American History
* The socialist Washington, Lincoln, and Jefferson Monuments
* The government-operated Statue of Liberty
* The Grand Canyon
* The socialist World War II and Vietnam Veterans Memorials
* The government-run socialist-propaganda location known as Arlington National Cemetery
* All other public-funded socialist sites, whether it be in my state or in DC

• I will urge my Member of Congress and Senators to forego their government salary and government-provided healthcare.
• I will oppose and condemn the government-funded and therefore socialist military of the United States of America.
• I will boycott the products of socialist defense contractors such as GE, Lockheed-Martin, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics, Raytheon, Humana, FedEx, General Motors, Honeywell, and hundreds of others that are paid by our socialist government to produce goods for our socialist army.
• I will protest socialist security departments such as the Pentagon, FBI, CIA, Department of Homeland Security, TSA, Department of Justice and their socialist employees.
• Upon reaching eligible retirement age, I will tear up my socialist Social Security checks.
• Upon reaching age 65, I will forego Medicare and pay for my own private health insurance until I die.



#OCCUPY Protesters need supplies and food!

Can't make it down to Wall Street for the protests? You can still help by sending food or other contributions to:

Order food for Protesters here:

Liberatos pizza – order online – order the “Occu-pie”
Please order vegan or non-meat pizzas :)
Other local business that deliver

Or Mail Food and Supplies here:

UPS Store 118A
C/o Occupy Wall Street Protesters
Fulton st #205
New York, NY, 10038
Non perishables, no checks (money orders okay), any size package okay.

Check HERE to see what the Protesters are in need of.

I can tell you now they need Waterproof sleeping bags, waterproof ponchos with hood, Raincoats, etc. Like seen here: SPACE BLANKETS. Waterproof backpacks/laptop sleeves. And any kind of travel kits with personal care products. And lots and lots of small bottles of rubbing alcohol for sanitation needs.

Otherwise be creative. As in what would you want with you on a desert island?


National Cancer Institute declares Cannibis Anti-Tumor cure

Maybe this will have a positive effect on the legalization of Industrial Hemp at some point, then we can escape from unsustainable fossil fuels, and the perpetual war-state we are living in...

...AND save every state in the country 1/8th of the tax dollars its spending on the prison populations!


The Hypocrisy runs Deep when Americans Protest

I guess we are supposed to sleep well tonight knowing the cops are locking up hippies while the psychotic machine gun owners are running loose, but i just dont buy it...

From: Breitbart on Liberals: 'We Have the Guns'
'We outnumber them' in hypothetical war, says blogger

Liberals may talk tough, but if there were a war between left and right, “they cannot win,” says Andrew Breitbart: “We outnumber them in this country, and we have the guns,” the conservative blogger told Tea Partiers. After the crowd laughed, he said, “I’m not kidding,” Mediaite reports. “They talk a mean game, but they will not cross that line because they know what they’re dealing with,” Breitbart noted at an event in Lexington, Mass.

Breitbart said his opponents are “vicious, there are death threats, and everything,” and when he’s “not thinking as clearly as I should,” he thinks, “fire the first shot.” Liberals “are the bullies on the playground, and they’re starting to realize, what if we were to fight back, what if we were to slap back?” he asked the enthusiastic crowd.

Tea Party...

Occupy Wall Street...

Tea Party...

Occupy Wall Street...

Tea Party...

Water the tree of Liberty, get it? Now try to imagine tons of young angry progressive kids with guns descending upon Wall street with signs covered in death threats...

The difference is these young people are standing up for the rest of the country against Corporate Bankers with justice in their hearts, while the Tea Baggers are standing up for the Corporate Bankers with racism in their hearts...

September 27, 2011

United/Continental pilots on Rector and Trinity streets, on Wall Street to protest an ongoing labor dispute. Not related to #occupywallstreet, as they had planned this well in advance.

I cant even begin to agree with the Photographer on this point at all... How are the issues they are protesting here NOT related to the Occupy Wall Street movement??? You cant seperate these issues and you cant seperate the Protests.

The only Difference i see is how the cops deal with some protesters who wear Business Suit/Uniforms and what they do with the rest of us...

And yeah thats Deputy Bologna again, straight up choking that woman...


PE3L the Art of Sticker

If your looking for the most definiative and exclusive book of interviews and photos of Sticker Artists and Sticker Street Spots, look no further. A collection of the best features from the PE3L Maga Zine series. Featuring Art and Interviews with the best of the international underground Sticker, Poster, and Stencil community.

Including Shephard Fairey OBEY/GIANT, Robots Will Kill, Olive 47, EVOKER, ZOLTRON, MCA, Buff Monster, Miss Venus, Visual Narcotics, DOLLA, and tons more...

CLICK HERE FOR: Peel: The Art Of The Sticker

#OCCYPY Wall Street Vs Kent State Massacre



This blog post is not a critique on Home Schooling at all, Its a critique on Southern Christian Home Schooling...

Classy Girl Photo of the Day

Burger King Denies Occupy Wall Street Participant Coffee



Cyebr Bullies chant "Glad You're Dead" right after Wake

"It’s fair to say that Jamey Rodemeyer has become somewhat of a household name in the aftermath of his suicide last week, just months after the gay teen made an It Gets Better video. Lady Gaga and President Obama met this weekend to discuss an anti-bullying law that would make the endless harassment that led to his death a felony hate crime.

And it’s a good thing, because it sickens us to share what Jamey’s bullies have been up to since his death.

There are no words to describe how despicably this story continues to play out.

Our deepest condolences go out to Jamey’s family, friends and loved ones. We’re so, so, so sorry for your loss and the torment you continue to endure."


The parents of 14-year-old Jamey Rodemeyer, who was found dead at their home on Sept. 18, indicated in an exclusive interview with TODAY’s Ann Curry on Tuesday that their daughter endured further taunts at a school function immediately after Jamey’s wake. At a homecoming dance she attended shortly after her brother’s death, a potentially poignant moment turned ugly after a song by Lady Gaga, Jamey’s favorite artist, who recently dedicated a song at a concert in his memory.

“She was having a great time, and all of a sudden a Lady Gaga song came on, and they all started chanting for Jamey, all of his friends,’’ Jamey’s mother, Tracy, told Curry. “Then the bullies that put him into this situation started chanting, ‘You’re better off dead!’ and ‘We’re glad you’re dead!’ and things like that.

“My daughter came home all upset. It was supposed to be a time for her to grieve and have fun with her friends, and it turned into bullying even after he’s gone.’’

“I can’t grasp it in my mind,’’ said Tim Rodemeyer, Jamey’s father. “ I don’t know why anyone would do that. They have no heart, that’s basically what it comes down to.’’


Psy-Industries Sticker Shows in Tokyo & Portland

If your based in the Portland or Tokyo areas Psychological Industries will have stickers in both of the following shows!

Sticker Nerds 2

Stick and Move

Reverend Billy's Freakstorm #18
Watch more episodes & subscribe: http://revbilly.com/podcast
Sign up for our e-bulletin: http://revbilly.com/bulletin
What is the Church of Earthalujah: http://bit.ly/EarthalujahExplained

Reverend Billy explains why occupying Wall Street is just good common sense!

Occupy Wall Street: Deputy Bologna, Civil Rights Abuser since 2004 RNC

So this cop has already gotten away with this kind of thing before at the RNC in 2004, is he going to get away with it again? We should not stop until he has been fired. What I wonder is how many times this damn cop has gotten away with doing this kind of stuff and was not reported at all?

The Guardian confirmed that the officer is Anthony Bologna, who was also accused of civil rights abuses and false arrest during the 2004 Republican National Convention in New York City.

Photographs of the officer's badge also suggested that Bologna was the person in question.

A file released by the hacker group Anonymous pointed to a 2007 civil rights suit filed against Bologna.


Story from the Streets here:

The peaceful Occupy Wall Street protest march turned violent as the NYPD corralled and pepper sprayed the participants. Mass arrests were made and loaded onto a NYC bus further locking traffic. The protest march took a route from Zuccotti Park to Union Square on East 14th Street. The protesters were marching back to Zuccotti Park when the NYPD turned violent. Hitting, arresting and forcing protesters into a small area. At that point a NYPD supervisor yelled shut up to one of the protesters and shot pepper spray into her eyes point blank range and hitting a half dozen protesters (including 3 police officers) when they had nowhere to go. The same supervising officer was seen (photographed) laughing after the arrests while looking at his text messages.


Crowbar murderer lives while Troy Davis Dies

From the state that didnt want to take the rebel flag down, Georgia killed a black guy who was so clearly innocent even the Pope tried to save him, while this dude, that admitted to murdering his boss with a crowbar, got his execution reduced to life in prison...

In March 1988, Crowe killed store manager Joseph Pala during a robbery at the lumber company in Douglas County, west of Atlanta. Crowe, who had previously worked at the store, shot Pala three times with a pistol, beat him with a crowbar and a pot of paint.

Crowe pleaded guilty to armed robbery and murder and was sentenced to death the following year.


Plutonomy Symposium Rising Tides Lifting Yachts

Michael Moore highlights a confidential report that Citigroup initially circulated only to it's wealthiest customers. Those reports, since leaked, plainly discuss the power of the Plutonomy in America, and how it would only strengthen, as long as the "the rest us" (the non-plutonics) could be kept in the dark about the Plutonomy existence, its role, and its over-arching control in the American Economy.

"What could go wrong? Beyond war, inflation, the end of the technology/productivity wave, and/or financial collapse, which have killed previous plutonomies, we think the most potent and short-term threat would be societies demanding a more "equitable" share of wealth". Page 7

In a report called "The Plutonomy Symposium Rising Tides Lifting Yachts," Ajay Kapur, Citigroup's global strategist, says the balance sheets of the rich are "in great shape, and will get much better," which is why he recommends going out and buying stocks of companies that cater to that very select market.

Spending by the uber-rich overwhelms that of the average consumer and helps explain why the U.S. economy has continued to do well and the U.S. dollar hasn't collapsed even in the face of the current federal budget deficit, a negative savings rate, global imbalances and high energy prices, he says. The United States is one of the plutonomy countries countries whose economies are powered by a relatively small number of rich people.

- Angela Barnes, "Want wealth? Invest in the uber-rich," The Globe and Mail, October 2, 2006


What Does Plutonomy Mean?
Economic growth that is powered and consumed by the wealthiest upper class of society. Plutonomy refers to a society where the majority of the wealth is controlled by an ever-shrinking minority; as such, the economic growth of that society becomes dependent on the fortunes of that same wealthy minority.

Investopedia explains Plutonomy
This buzz word was initially coined by analysts at Citigroup in 2005 to describe the incredible growth of the U.S. economy during that period despite increasing interest rates, commodity prices and an inflated national debt. Citigroup analysts argued that as such an economy continues to grow in the face of contradictory elements, the more important the society's ultra rich become to maintaining such growth. The analysts also believed that in addition to the U.S., Canada, Great Britain and China are also becoming plutonomies.

Source Link

#OCCUPY Media Coverage of Police Brutality

“The reason that man is being assaulted by the police is because of what he has in his hand,” O’Donnell said, while showing a video clip of a man with a video camera being tackled by police. “He’s holding a professional grade video camera. Since the Rodney King beating was caught on an amateur video camera, American police officers have known video cameras are their worst enemy. They will do anything they can to stop you from legally videotaping how they handle their responsibility to serve and protect you.”

“Everything those cops did this weekend to those protesters they’ve done to someone else when no video camera was rolling,” he later added.


Immortal Technique joins #OCCUPY Wall Street

Independent hip-hop artist Immortal Technique stopped by the “Occupy Wall St.” protest in New York City early Tuesday morning to rally activists and call for more demonstrations, urging the crowd that if they “really want to make a change,” they should “come down here to Wall St.”

“Realize what’s really at stake here. The future of not just this country, but of this world, is all about to go. Not on some 2012 shit, but realistically speaking. The resources are running out. You’re going to look at this video years from now and say, ‘Damn, yo. He was right, we should have been focused on this.’”

“If you really do want to make a change, you want to have some kind of effect, if you want to build your life around the people, come down here to Wall Street. People are still here. They’re still working. They’re still willing to have a conversation. They’re still willing to debate with people. They’re still willing to have that debate. That’s how you know somebody’s a fraud: they’re not willing to put their ideas up against somebody else’s. They’re not willing to measure the failure of their own system.”

The ISS, the Moon, and the Sun all lined up

This image shows three planes in space: the Sun, the Moon and the International Space Station!

iPhone is watching you!


If you’ve got an iPhone, pretty much everything you have done on your handset has been temporarily stored as a screenshot that hackers or forensics experts could eventually recover, according to a renowned iPhone hacker who exposed the security flaw in a webcast Thursday.

While demonstrating how to break the iPhone’s passcode lock in a webcast, iPhone hacker and data-forensics expert Jonathan Zdziarski explained that the popular handset snaps a screenshot of your most recent action — regardless of whether it’s sending a text message, e-mailing or browsing a web page — in order to cache it. This is purely for aesthetic purposes: When an iPhone user taps the Home button, the window of the application you have open shrinks and disappears. In order to create that shrinking effect, the iPhone snaps a screenshot, Zdziarski said.

The phone presumably deletes the image after you close the application. But anyone who understands data is aware that in most cases, deletion does not permanently remove files from a storage device. Therefore, forensics experts have used this security flaw to gather evidence against criminals convicted of rape, murder or drug deals, Zdziarski said.

"There’s no way to prevent it," Zdziarski said during the webcast.
"I’m kind of divided on it. I hope Apple fixes it because it’s a significant privacy leak, but at the same time it’s been useful for investigating criminals."


Police can search your phone without a warrent!


Increasingly, the mobile devices we carry around are portals into our personal and professional lives, full of photos, our e-mails and banking information.

It’d be absurdly unconstitutional to give the police carte blanche to come search through your home and your home computer and your online accounts without a warrant if they arrested you at a protest or for any other reason. Just because we now carry a portal to that information around with us in our pockets does not mean that the rights of people to be secure in their papers and possessions should be left in the 20th century.


September 26, 2011

Documentary: Generation OS13

Generation OS13 is an explosive insight into the attack on civil liberties occurring in western democracies and how artists, musicians, journalists and authors encourage the peoples right to resist against Banker occupation.

Examining economic dictatorships, puppet regimes, tax havens, tax dodgers, and the debt based money system the film explains why 'you can not count on the law makers to see shit when it first happens'. For a new era, generation OS13, the repression will not be tolerated; do 'the government really think they can win that war if the young people are like fuck this, you cant beat that you, can't beat us, its Impossible' - Saul Williams.

Featuring Painter, poet & song writer Billy Childish, Harry Malt from Bare Bones, Luke Turner from The Quietus, journalist Huw Nesbitt, broadcaster Max Kaiser, author Nicholas Shaxson & Artists Anika, Comanechi, Gaggle's & Saul Williams.

"Those bailouts were absolutely required to save your civilisation, now if you talk about bail outs for everyone else you have to say to say to those people suck it in and cope buddy, suck it in and cope"

Classy Girl Photo: Mila Plays Mario

Radio Discordia - N.A.S.A.

While N.A.S.A. stands for North America/South America and contains a number of superstar artists from both coasts of the U.S., it is about as far from a tension-building geographical showdown as a record can get. Rather, The Spirit of Apollo was born with the righteous goal of bringing people together through music and art, and that is exactly what masterminds Sam Spiegel (Squeak E. Clean) and Ze Gonzales (DJ Zegon) have done.

01 Intro
02 The People Tree
03 Money
04 Way Down
05 Four Rooms, Earth View
06 Spacious Thoughts
07 Gifted
08 N.A.S.A. Anthem



Cool Photo of the Day: Past meets Present

#OCCUPY NYC gets a visit from Deputy Bologna

You just cant make this stuff up.

A photographer has identified the cruel and cowardly NYPD supervisor who point blank maced a penned in group of young women and then slinked away Saturday at the Occupy Wall Street protests:

Deputy Inspector Anthony V. Bologna of the NYPD Patrol Borough Manhattan South.


#OCCUPY Los Angeles in full effect

Freeware to improve your gaming performance

The other day I was wondering there were any programs to do what AMD Fusion for Phenom II processors does since I have an Athlon II, which shuts down background applications and other programs such as Windows Aero, that are not necessary to gaming to free up valuable resources such as ram and boosts your processing priority to your active game.

Low and behold I come across Gamebooster 3 which does all that and more for free! Not only can you shutdown all those needless processes,but you can also defrag single directories so your games start up faster without having to do an overall defrag which takes forever. Imo this software is necessary for any PC gamer, and how can you argue with a 40%+ performance boost for nothing?


Scarlett Johansson gets her Activist on

Its nice to see some famous/rich people give a damn about the world for a change. I cant understand why more people in power dont do these things, having tons of money is as close as it gets to having super powers.

How can someone with millions possibly resist the urge to save lives???