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October 4, 2011

Not Such a Minority After All

It may seem like everything in this country is slipping towards theocracy. From the wacko presidential candidates that the right is fielding to the OTHER ongoing protests from the Westboro baptiste church, it seems to the average media consumer that everything is slipping to the Amen crowd.

Not so fast though. recent polls are showing that the faithless are on the rise, as in the largest growing "religious" demographic. Conservative poll numbers put the percentage of atheists in our country at 14%. One area where atheism is not accepted in our society is our Congress. Atheists have long argued that there are no serving atheists in our Congress. Enter Pete Stark.

Congressman Pete Stark a Democrat from California is the only admitted atheist in our Congress, but he is not alone. According to the Secular Coalition of America there are 27 other closet atheists in Congress. To all of you closeted rational Congressman, please come out. It would do much for the most discriminated minority in the nation if the esteemed members of our legislature would stand up and be counted, then get to work for the rest of us. - humanstruggle

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