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October 7, 2011

Total F*cking Idiots trying to spread Disinformation fail miserably

Whoever wasted their time making and posting this image is an idiot. I cant say that any better.

The movement is not an anti-capitalist nor an anti-corporation movement, its a Movement against a corrupt financial system that has stolen from the American people to line its pockets. The housing crisis was a manufactured attack on the people in an effort to take their homes. And when America was forced to bailout the banks the banks used the funds to give themselves raises, buy private jets and other crap you would expect from crooks and thieves.

I keep seeing the news talkingheads confused about what the movement is about... it's not AGAINST corporations, it's about ending their disproportionate influence on political policy via financial contributions. 
Politicians no longer represent 'the governed', they represent whoever gives them the largest campaign contributions (read: bribes) and unfortunately us common working folk cant afford to 'lobby' (read: bribe) them to preserve OUR interests so companies prosper at the expense of the 99%. 

It would take anyone 2 seconds of research to find that our for themselves, Olbermann read the Occupy Wall Street Statement on the air earlier this week! I guarantee you these kids are doing the right thing based on a simple observation technique you can test for yourself. Listen to RUSH, Glenn Beck, any Right wing politician, and any other corporate mouth piece you can dig up and see if they are for or against this movement! Then you will know for sure that, whatever the goals of this movement may be, it is righteous!

So we also have some 'Sock Puppet' action on Social Networking Sites trying to spread lies and scare people from gathering in new cities, so be on the lookout for this kind of garbage. Of course its no real surprise when you have your typical asshat bootlicking Commentators posing as politicians and 'Reporters' standing up for the 1% en masse.

Eric Cantor (Merrill Lynch-R) is now calling the protesters across the country a "mob" and is very upset that people are standing against this huge income inequality and legalized corruption. He is the House Majority Leader...the 2nd highest leadership post in the House. Its safe to say that he speaks for the whole of the Republican party. Interestingly...he was and is a HUGE supporter of the "Tea Party" protesters.

And then there is this shit passing for News...

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